DMI-GAL 1.4.1 -> Galerķas 2.0-pre-1 * Removed old dmi-gal code * Changed license to X11 * Galerķas II is a complete rewrite of DMI-Gal * Now the code is completely modular, completely extensible, completely embeddable and finally I could erradicate the GPL virus from my code. DMI-GAL 1.4.0 -> DMI-GAL 1.4.1 * New collition-proof function names * New code completely rewritten from scratch for Galerķas II * New object model * New thumbnail generation system * New container system * use of caching techniques DMI-GAL 1.3.0 -> DMI-GAL 1.4.0 * Changed release number * Everything works like in 1.3.0 * extracted core functions from dmi-lib * Moved config from variables to constants DMI 1.2 -> DMI-GAL 1.3.0 ---------------------- * Moved DMI functions to dmi-lib * Support for HOPP debug (s_log) * Separated functionality in 3 files: * Moved gallery to dmi-gal * Moved thumbnails to dmi-thumb * Moved uploads to dmi-upload (may be broken) * Moved config to dmi-conf * Configurable rows and columns * Multiple pages with <last>> navigation * Two sizes, small and big thumbnails * Navigation between small and big thumbnails * Full-sized pictures opened in new target * Moved config defaults to dmi-autocond * Config font size (deprecated after templates support) * reverse chronological order * Image title support in a text file * Configurable pictures directory * Simple navigation * Partially moved to virtualhost-independent library * Support for HOPP templates * Different templates for big and small pics * Show picture upload date ---------------- FORK() ---------------- DMI 1.1 -> 1.2 -------------- * fixed a problem with thumbnail generation of newly upload images * always try to draw height= and width= for thumbnails for faster page loading. * fix an error when no images are found * fix an error when someone tries to upload an image without selecting one. * fix an upload problem when the filename ends in a known extension but lacks a "." before it DMI 1.0 -> 1.1 --------------- * Thumbnails are now created in the same file type that the original is (instead of JPEG). This was done primarily so that animated GIF's could be thumbnailed, I think it better all around though.